Dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin that results from a variety of different causes and can appear in various patterns.
Eczema - General name for dermatitis
Rash Red skin
Itchy Distinct margins (optional)
can appear in various patterns, please try to remember the amount of time it has been present.
Allergic Dermatitis
Allergic Dermatitis is an inflammatory, reposing, non contagious and itchy skin disorder.
Causes - Allergic reactions to specific irritant
Symptoms of Allergic Dermatitis:
Extreme itchiness
The itch increases with scratching
Itchy skin that itches more after scratching. The scratching is generally dose not suppress the itch and leads to increased inflammation and more intense itching. The itching cycle can be very difficult to break.
Itchy areas of skin
Raised rash or other noticeable skin change
Skin inflammation
Allergies Skin disorders
Tight clothing Insect bite
Dry skin
Seborrhea Dermatitis
Itchy areas of skin on the face/scalp/upper chest, back and other body parts .
Flaky skin and scalp
Redness and flaking skin
Oily, waxy appearance to the skin
Skin may itch constantly
Seborrhea Over production of sebum
Fungal Other causes which are still not known
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