• (8621)54893781,64688888-801/810
  • info@renai.cn
  • Chinese

The gynecology department provides a broad range of expertise to meet the needs of women with complex conditions. Our gynecologists provide care for females from gynecological inflammation through female infertility and annual exams to complex problems including fibroids, abnormal uterine bleeding, ectopic pregnancy, vaginal atresia, uterine cervical erosion and pediatric and endometrial polyps. They offer women pre pregnancy check, infertility check. They diagnose and treat women who have irregular menstruation,dysmenorrhea. They perform minimally invasive gynecologic surgeries including removal of endometrial polyps, as well as outpatient procedures such as endometrial ablation, complex hysteroscopic and laparoscope procedures and endoscopic removal of fibroids and abnormal ovarian cysts. They perform abortion within 10 weeks.