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Medical Services

Cervical spondylosis-Risk Factors

Dec 1, 2016Posted by nameless

The greatest risk factor for cervical spondylosis is aging. Cervical spondylosis often develops as a result of changes in your neck joints as you age. Disk herniation, dehydration, and bone spurs are all results of aging.

Apart from age, there are several other risk factors that may increase the chance of developing cervical spondylitis. These include:

lack of exercise and obesity

previous neck or spinal injuries

previous neck or spinal surgery

severe arthritis

a slipped disc (see below)

repeatedly carrying heavy weights (see below)

Slipped disc

Occupational risk

There is some evidence that people who spend a lot of time carrying heavy weights on their head have an increased risk of developing cervical spondylosis.

For example, a study found that rates of cervical spondylosis were much higher than average in Ghanaians, as in Ghana there is a common practice of transporting heavy loads in this manner.