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Medical Services

Many people have no symptoms in the early stages of avascular necrosis. As the condition worsens, your affected joint may hurt only when you put weight on it. Eventually, the joint may hurt even when

Avascular necrosis occurs when blood flow to a bone is interrupted or reduced. Reduced blood supply can be caused by: Joint or bone trauma. An injury, such as a dislocated joint, might damage nearby

Risk factors for developing avascular necrosis include: Trauma. Injuries, such as hip dislocation or fracture, can damage nearby blood vessels and reduce blood flow to bones. Steroid use. High-do

During a physical exam your doctor will likely press around your joints, checking for tenderness. Your doctor may also move the joints through a variety of positions to see if your range of mot

The goal is to prevent further bone loss. Specific treatment usually depends on the amount of bone damage you already have. Medications and therapy In the early stages of avascular necrosis, symp