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Medical Services

What is a kidney stone? A kidney* stone is a solid piece of material that forms in a kidney when there are high levels of certain substances in the urine. These substances are normally found in th

Treatment for kidney stones varies, depending on the type of stone and the cause. Small stones with minimal symptoms Most kidney stones won't require invasive treatment. You may be able to p

If your doctor suspects you have a kidney stone, you may have diagnostic tests and procedures, such as: Blood testing. Blood tests may reveal too much calcium or uric acid in your blood. Blood tes

Factors that increase your risk of developing kidney stones include: Family or personal history. If someone in your family has kidney stones, you're more likely to develop stones, too. And if

If you've ever had a kidney stone, you surely remember it. The pain can be unbearable, coming in waves until the tiny stone passes through your urinary plumbing and out of the body. For many, kid